Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Make Creative Birthday Cards

3-D birthday cards

Simple or fancy, handcrafted birthday cards are appreciated by recipients more than store-bought cards. With a variety of papers, ribbons and embellishments, you can make three-dimensional cards that are one-of-a-kind works of art. Friends and family members who receive one are sure to smile when they open the envelope.


1. Cut card stock on the paper cutter lengthwise to 10 by 7 inches. Cut as many sheets as desired for this project. Fold each piece lengthwise and make a crease, creating a blank card 5 by 7 inches.

2. Cut decorative papers on the paper cutter to 5 1/2 by 6 1/2 inches. Apply strips of double-sided tape on the back of each and press onto the front of the blank cards.

3. Wrap a 3 1/2-by-3 1/2-inch mat board piece with decorative paper (contrasting to paper attached to the card); secure on the back with one-sided tape. Flip over and tie a ribbon as if for a regular gift box and secure to the front of the card with hot glue.

4. On another card, hot glue embellishments such as ribbon pieces, bows, birthday images and buttons. Apply dimensional paint in a random fashion like confetti or streamers. Let dry before handling.

5. With markers, write "Happy Birthday" or "On Your Special Day" or another birthday sentiment. Inside the card, write a personal note. Insert cards in envelopes.

Tags: birthday cards, paper cutter