Tuesday 19 May 2015

Make Hawaiian Flower Leis

Learn to make a Hawaiian lei.

A Hawaiian lei is a representation of affection, appreciation or congratulatory gesture. Making a basic lei for someone special requires minimal time and effort that almost anyone can prepare and sew a lei in a short period of time.

One of the most common blossoms Hawaii residents use for lei making is the plumeria blossom, and it will be the blossom illustrated in making a basic Hawaiian lei. The plumeria, although not indigenous to Hawaii, grows abundantly in the islands and blooms in a variety of colors of yellows, pinks, reds and white. The plumeria is known to hold its form well after picking and offers a sweet-smelling aroma that accents the lei.


Picking Plumeria Blossoms

1. Opened red plumeria blossoms

Pick approximately 50 opened plumeria blossoms of any color preference for each lei, placing blossoms in a container lined with newspaper to absorb the milky sap excretion from the stem tips.

2. Measure a 60-inch length of string or floss. If using string, thread the string onto the hook of a lei needle about 8 inches through. If using floss, thread the floss through the eye of the needle also threaded about 8 inches through.

3. Insert the needle through the center of the blossom's face and out through the end of the stem. Gently push the blossom onto the string or floss, sliding the blossom along to approximately 8 inches from the other end of the string or floss. Insert another blossom onto the needle continuing through the process until the blossom meets the other. Continue stringing blossoms one at a time until they reach the hook or eye of the needle.

4. Pull out the string or floss from the needle. Tie the ends of the string or floss into a knot. Cut the excess of the string or floss. Accessorize your lei with a ribbon bow, if desired.

Tags: string floss, about inches, about inches through, blossom onto, hook needle, inches through, plumeria blossoms