Monday 18 May 2015

Make Hawaiian Centerpieces

If you are having a luau and plan to decorate your home or party location, you will need a centerpiece. You have permission to take creative license, and throw in any additional ideas that my inspire you along this creative journey. Creating a Hawaiian centerpiece is an interesting way to entertain your guests, so as the surfers say "go big or go home." Does this Spark an idea?


1. Sketch out a scene onto your notepad. Start by brainstorming. Think of the end result, and picture it in your mind. Use the landscape of Hawaii to inspire your design.

2. Include candles as the focal point. Use them to symbolize the fire used during luaus. Tie at least three pillar candles together with some green grassy looking twine or use fake grass. Place them in the middle of your flat surface.

3. Put about three pineapples behind the candles as background to help anchor your centerpiece. Make them in a "C" curved shape around the candles.

4. Add a handful or two of sand to the flat surface. Place the mini-surfboard in the sand. Get the sand a little wet to anchor the board to make it appear as though it's standing upright on its own. Lean it up against a pineapple if it doesn't stay in place. Use some tan clay to secure it. (It should stand up now; just use a medium-size ball amount and press the board down into it.) Cover the clay with the sand.

5. Cut open a couple of coconuts, and drain the milk. Fill them with water, and add some flowers inside. Place them around the centerpiece you have so far. Add anything else you might want. Use an action figure of a surfer guy, a little hula girl, or both. Use whatever you think looks best. Add some shells on the outsides of the flat surface to make it look like a real beach.

6. Step back and look at your centerpiece to be sure everything looks balanced. Make adjustments until it feels right. Take some pictures of it to remember what you did so when someone asks you to make them one at their next party, you have ideas to refer to.

Tags: flat surface, centerpiece have, Place them, your centerpiece