Send out bridal shower invitations with all of the necessary information.
Bridal shower invitations give guests vital details about the location and time of the event, as well as a glimpse into the shower itself. Your bridal shower invitations provide the perfect opportunity to let guests know where the bride is registered, how they should dress for the shower and if any special gifts are needed. Let your guests know what the theme of the shower will be by using images or words that relate to the theme in the invitations.
1. Decide on a theme and formality for the shower, and clearly reflect them in your invitations. For example, a formal garden tea party bridal shower invitation would look far different than a relaxed luau shower.
2. Clearly indicate the bride-to-be's name and her fiance's name if some of the guests aren't acquainted with her yet. For example: "Join us as we shower Rachel Hertz, fiance of Brett Daniels, with love before her big day."
The bride's name should appear in a larger, bolder or brighter font so guests quickly know who the shower is for.
3. Include the shower details, such as the date, time and location, in an easy-to-see font. Use simple wording to avoid confusing your guests. For example: "You're invited to a bridal shower to honor Kalie Marie Davis on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 3 pm at 123 Main Street, Your Town, CA."
4. Share the theme or any special instructions with your guests, such as if they should bring a themed gift or if the shower is a surprise. For example, if the shower is an "around the clock" theme, let your guests know by including something such as: "Join us for an around-the-clock bridal shower for the couple-to-be Sarah and James" followed by the date, time and location. Finish by letting guests know what their designated time is by writing: "Your time is 3 pm."
5. Request RSVPs by writing: "Please RSVP by March 19th by calling (123) 456-7890."
6. Indicate who is hosting the shower. For example, after the shower details you could write: "Given by her bridesmaids, Jenna, Samantha and Jacki."
List the hosts' full names for a formal bridal shower.
7. Conclude the invitation by noting where the bride is registered. Write "Bridal registry at," "Kalie's registered at" or "Rachel and Brett's wish list is at," followed by the names of the stores where the couple has registered. This is not required and may be skipped on formal invites. Keep in mind the only place it is okay to mention gifts or the registry is on the bridal shower invitations.
Tags: bridal shower, guests know, shower invitations, your guests, bridal shower