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Printable Birthday Invitations
Create your own free birthday invitations from printable templates can be an easy way to add a personal touch to your party.
1. Download printable birthday invitations templates using adobe reader software program. Many templates can be found online and many are free to download.
2. Order your template with designs already made or you can use a standard blank birthday invitation template.
3. Insert your choice of high quality paper or card stock into a digital laser printer. The standard size for most birthday invitations is 81/2 " by 11" but you can make them any size that suits you.
4. Another option if you don't feel you have a quality graphics printer you can print a copy on plain white paper a take it to a copy business to duplicate a more professionally designed birthday invitation.
5. Now carefully fold your finished birthday invitations and trim the edges to your liking. You can then use a variety of techniques to add a personal touch to your invitations. You can use calligraphy if you have good penmanship or download icons or letter stencils to personalize your birthday invitations.
Tags: birthday invitations, birthday invitation, birthday invitations, Free Printable, Free Printable Birthday, Make Free