Thursday 23 July 2015

Use Bloom'S Taxonomy Words With A Vocabulary Bingo

Use Bloom's Taxonomy to elevate a game of vocabulary bingo.

Vocabulary is one element included in most curricula. Words can be assigned to increase vocabulary, but can also be introduced to help students understand a concept or a unit. According to Teacher's Resources, "vocabulary bingo is a game for the whole class, that encourages students to study and review their vocabulary words." Instead of simply having a list of definitions, Bloom's Taxonomy can be used to elevate the difficulty of the lesson.


1. Create a bingo card for each student. Make five rows and five columns. Assign the middle square as a free space. Insert 24 vocabulary words or repeat words as many times as necessary to fill the squares. You can also have students randomly insert their vocabulary words to save time.

2. Make a list of questions to create bingo cards using Bloom's Taxonomy verbs. Actions should align to one of the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy: knowledge,comprehension, application and analysis. Synthesis and evaluation are too extensive to include in vocabulary bingo.

3. Create knowledge cards by simply reading definitions of the words. Ask students to find the vocabulary word that matches the definition you have read. Students will place a chip on that square. If the student selects the wrong word, he will not be able to win when the card is checked.

4. Make up comprehension cards, the second level of Bloom's Taxonomy, by writing sentences with a missing vocabulary word. Ask students to look for a word on their cards that fits the blank. Students must understand or comprehend the use of the word to select correctly.

5. Create skit cards for vocabulary words to meet the level of application. Act out the definition of the word. Ask students to identify the vocabulary word. Make skits brief and use a great deal of gestures to give students more clues about the vocabulary word.

6. Complete the cards by making students compare or contrast vocabulary words. Break down your vocabulary list by words with similarities and differences. Pair the words. List a word on your card, and ask students to find one on the bingo card that either compares or contrasts with their word. This is the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy dealt with in the game.

7. Play the game. Give students a bingo sheet and chips to place on them. Mix up your cards, and pull one out at a time. Have students yell out bingo when they have a line in any direction. Check the card to determine the winner.

Tags: Bloom Taxonomy, vocabulary words, vocabulary word, vocabulary bingo, bingo card, level Bloom