Thursday, 6 August 2015

Ideas For A Great 14th Birthday Party

Plan a camping party for a teen who loves the outdoors.

A teenager's 14th birthday is a time when he is looking forward to the privileges of adulthood while still enjoying some of the carefree fun of being a child. Planning a 14th birthday for a teenager requires being in touch with what the teenager is interested in, and how he and his friends enjoy themselves. Does this Spark an idea?

Laser Tag

Hold your 14-year-old's birthday party at a laser tag arena if he and his friends are interested in physical competition and enjoy adventurous activities. Finish off an afternoon of laser tag with a pizza party at your favorite restaurant or bake a frozen pizza at home.


If your 14-year-old is interested in a slumber party, transform it into a movie marathon. Set the teenagers down in front of the television with some of their favorite movies or play a trilogy or set of movies that they like. Break up the movies with treats related to the movies or with a trivia session in which they can win prizes. Alternatively, you can send the party to the local movie theater for a new movie that just came out. Budget enough cash to spring for treats from the theater, like popcorn and candy.


Plan a camping party for a teenager who prefers intimate gatherings and time spent outdoors. Take your 14-year-old and two or three of his friends to a state park for a sleepover or a camping weekend. Set the teenagers' tents slightly apart from your own and give them foods that they can roast over an open fire. Instead of a cake, bring along chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows to make s'mores. This setup provides the teenagers with a sense of privacy even as you keep an eye on them.

Formal Restaurant

If your 14-year-old would like a taste of adult sophistication, offer her a quiet dinner party at her favorite restaurant. Encourage the guests to dress up and take everyone out for a night of fine dining. A quiet dinner party is appropriate for 14-year-olds who prefer to be thought of as young adults rather than children. Follow it up with ice cream at a favorite ice cream parlor to remind teenagers that they do not have to be adults all the time.

Tags: your 14-year-old, that they, 14th birthday, camping party, dinner party