Thursday 20 August 2015

Indoor Beach Party Games

Bring the surf to your house with an indoor beach party.

Vacationing at the beach is an enjoyable way for families to spend part of their summer. Swimming, sunning and building sand castles is a relaxing way to get away from the daily grind of life. If you can't get away to the beach, you can still enjoy a bit of beach ambience. An indoor beach party for a birthday or special summer occasion is an option for party-goers of all ages. The only things that will be missing are the salt water and the waves at your next indoor beach party.

Limbo Contest

Beach parties in movies and on television almost always feature a bonfire and a limbo contest. All you need for a limbo contest for your next indoor beach party is a broom or mop handle and appropriate music. If you have two adjustable stands on which to rest the limbo stick, it will be easier to ensure that the same height is available for all the limbo contestants. If you do not have two adjustable supports for the stick, then two party guests can hold the limbo stick while each contestant tries to bend over and pass under the stick. The contestant who passes under the stick at its lowest point without touching the stick or the floor is the winner.

Hula Hoop Contest

An indoor beach party, no matter what time of year it is held, will be more tropical with a hula hoop contest. Plastic hula hoops can be found at dollar stores. Ask all the hula hoop contestants to gather in a room. Start playing beach-themed music--anything from the Beach Boys will do--and instruct the hula hoop contestants to start twirling. As soon as a hula hoop stops spinning or hits the floor, that person is out of the contest. The person who keeps a hula hoop spinning the longest is the winner.

Scavnger Hunt

A scavenger hunt for beach-related items is perfect for an indoor beach party. Hide a plastic sand shovel, sunglasses, sunblock, swim goggles, a beach towel and flip flops. Give each party guest a list of the scavenger hunt items, and have them search the house until the items are located. Give prizes to each person or team that completes the scavenger hunt list. Another way to conduct the scavenger hunt is to let each person or team start their hunt whenever they want to. Have a timer or watch so you can mark the time that each team begins the hunt. When a person or team finishes the hunt, they must report to the party host so their scavenger hunt time can be noted. The person or team that completes the hunt the quickest is the winner.

Tags: beach party, hula hoop, indoor beach party, scavenger hunt, person team, indoor beach, indoor beach