Tuesday 11 August 2015

Ideas For Backyard Barbecues

A barbecue provides an occasion for family and friends to get together and spend time with one another. Whether it is just a simple weekend with family or a large party, a barbecue provides a casual, pleasant setting for the get-together. The atmosphere and the food you can serve provide a lot of variety, so that every barbecue you host can be different. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Pig Roast

A pig roast is a good way to feed a crowd. This is usually a two-day event with the men digging a hole in the ground, getting the pig (through purchase or by hunting), and preparing the pig for roasting on the first day.Start a fire in the pit on the first day and allow it to reduce to hot coals. Wrap the pig in wet sheets, place on top of the coals, and cover with dirt. The pig will slowly cook for approximately 15 hours.

On the second day, prepare the side dishes to accompany the roasted pig. Salsa and chips, potatoes, pasta salad, beans, watermelon, pies and other dishes are served to all the guests as they visit and enjoy each other's company.

Southern Brisket

Beef brisket is a popular meat for a barbecue. Cook a brisket on a charcoal or propane grill for several hours until the meat is tender. Use a dry rub, barbecue sauce or other marinade on the meat for flavor. During this type of barbecue some people like to have smoked sausage or hot dogs cooking to the side of the grill for anyone who wants to nibble on something before the main meal is ready.

Side dishes could include potato salad, corn on the cob, baked beans and apple cobbler. You can ask guests to bring an additional dish for the barbecue so the menu is varied.

Small Events

For barbecues just for family or a small group, rib eye steaks, salmon, pork ribs, chicken breasts or jumbo shrimp are popular meats. Side dishes include garden salad, corn on the cob and/or grilled squash and zucchini.

No barbecue is complete without the necessary utensils and plates. Use decorative disposable plates and utensils with a theme that corresponds to an event or season to reduce time spent in the kitchen doing cleanup.

Bamboo tiki candles with citronella, music playing in the background, abundant beverages, games for children and comfortable seating are all essential to a successful backyard barbecue. Host a backyard barbecue to get to know the neighbors if you or they are new to the community, or hold one to stay connected to friends and family any time of the year.

Tags: backyard barbecue, barbecue provides, salad corn, Side dishes