Monday, 3 August 2015

Put A Custom Logo On Multiple Photos

Many image editing programs can add custom logos to your photos.

If you're a professional photographer, adding a custom logo is an essential way to advertise your photos and take credit for your work. There are a number of image editing programs that can easily add watermarks to numerous photos through "batch" processing. This function is designed to automate ordinary image editing processes that would otherwise take a lengthy amount of time to complete.


1. Open the image editing program and select "File" and "Open" to load a photo into the workspace. If your program features an action recording function, create a new action and allow it to record the following steps.

2. Create a new layer and place the watermark over the photo in a layer one level above, so it is always visible.

3. Select the watermark layer and resize or adjust the opacity of the logo.

4. Click "File" and "Save," then close both files. Click the "Stop" icon if the action is recording.

5. Begin the batch job to automatically add watermarks to subsequent photos. Select a folder containing your original photos and choose an output folder for the finished product. Click "Ok" to begin the automated process.

Tags: image editing, action recording, editing programs, image editing programs, your photos