Monday, 3 August 2015

Ideas For An Alternative Bat Mitzvah

A bat mitzvah ceremony or celebration is an important part of a Jewish girl's coming of age.

The bat mitzvah ceremony serves as an important milestone in the life of a Jewish girl. The ceremony marks her transition into womanhood and is traditionally celebrated in a synagogue with years of prior preparation such as Hebrew lessons and the attending a Hebrew school. Since not all Jewish families are religious, affiliated with a synagogue or able to send their daughters to Hebrew school, many consider alternative bat mitzvah celebrations as a way of commemorating this happy occasion. Does this Spark an idea?

Destination Alternative Bat Mitzvah

Destination bat mitzvah programs are great for unaffiliated families wishing to educate their daughter about being Jewish while connecting with nature on an outdoors adventure. These programs are non-denominational and are meant to help children love being Jewish and infuse their bat mitzvah ceremony with meaning. One such program in Boulder, Colorado, offers a 10-month experience with once-monthly adventures and workshops. At the end of the 10 sessions, a girl will be ready for her bat mitzvah and have a greater understanding of what it means to be a Jewish woman.


Many people are surprised to know that a bat mitzvah ceremony does not need to take place in a synagogue. The ceremony can be performed as long as there is a "minyan" or 10 Jewish adults. For a less traditional bat mizvah, organize a reception for the honored child at the location of your choice --- such as a restaurant, reception hall or outdoor venue --- and find a rabbi who will officiate the ceremony on site.

A Trip to the Holy Land

Some interfaith or unaffiliated families may choose to forgo the formal bat mitzvah ceremony altogether. Because a girl will become bat mitzvah regardless of whether she has gone through the tutoring and ceremony process, a trip to Israel can serve as a meaningful experience to commemorate this important life cycle event. This can be a great opportunity for the bat mitzvah child to learn more about her Jewish heritage and to embark on her life as a Jewish woman.

Bat Mitzvah Club

Inquire at your local shul or Jewish community center about any bat mitzvah clubs they might have. These clubs can provide a great alternative bat mitzvah preparation in a group setting. Getting ready with other kids can give your child a sense of community and make the bat mitzvah preparation more interactive and fun. If your local shul or community center does not have a bat mitzvah club, you can suggest organizing one if there are enough bat mizvah-aged girls interested in attending.

Tags: mitzvah ceremony, your local shul, being Jewish, community center, girl will, Hebrew school, Jewish girl