Monday 22 June 2015

Play Bridal Shower Games

Bridal shower games don't have to be a bore. Add entertainment to the shower with some fun games like "How Well You Know the Bride," "Purse Scavenger Hunt" or "Dress the Bride." Guests at the party will be happy they came and brought their purses.


Design the Dress

1. Divide guests into teams of three to five players. One person pretends she is the bride, while the others are the decorators.

2. Give each team a roll of toilet paper. Use the entire roll to paper around the stand-in bride.

3. Pick a winner based on whose "bride" is the best dressed or most creative design in toilet paper.

Present Exchange Game

4. Buy one present for each guest at the party. Presents can be little and inexpensive.

5. Wrap all presents. Be sure to put some in large boxes, some in small boxes and some in boxes that have rocks or other heavy objects to weigh them down.

6. Have each guest pick a present. Set a timer for every 15 minutes throughout the shower. When the timer goes off, each guest has to trade their present with someone else.

7. Tell guests they can open the present they have at a set time. The fun will be seeing who really got the better prize, and who receives a big box with little trinkets.

Purse Scavenger Hunt

8. Make a list of things found in a purse. Assign a point value based on popularity for each item. A hammer could be worth 50 points, while lip stick would be worth 5 points.

9. Give guests the scavenger list, and have them mark each item they have in their own purse.

10. Add up the points. The guest with the most points wins the prize.

How Well you Know the Bride

11. Ask the bride several questions about herself. Include her birthday, names of siblings, pets and parents. Find out personal things not everyone knows like when she had her first kiss, where the couple's first date was or where's the honeymoon.

12. Give each guest a paper and pencil. Ask all the questions, and have guests write down their answers.

13. Collect quizzes to grade them yourself, or read answers aloud and have the each person keep track of how many answers were correct.

Tags: each guest, boxes some, each item, Give each, Know Bride, Purse Scavenger, Purse Scavenger Hunt