Friday 19 June 2015

Plan The Company Christmas Party

Plan the Company Christmas Party

Company Christmas parties can be events that most employees love to hate. Depictions of these gatherings can be seen in episodes of popular television shows and at the movie theater. Ranging from black-tie affairs to potluck feasts, company Christmas parties often attempt to unite coworkers in the spirit of the holidays. Planning one of these parties involves appealing to the masses while keeping an element of surprise in the midst. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Obtain the party budget. Obtain the party budget from company management. Review the budget to establish your spending limits. Prioritize your line budget items so that the party necessities are at the top of the list and "extras" are toward the bottom of the list.

2. Create a planning committee. Inform your coworkers that plans for the company Christmas party are under way. Create a party planning committee to increase coworker participation and to help to ensure that the committee comes up with creative ways to celebrate. Provide a suggestion box for employees that are not on the committee to make suggestions for the party.

3. Decide the overall level of formality of the Christmas party. Take the budget and the company's corporate atmosphere into consideration. The goal is to make the party guests feel comfortable while keeping company traditions intact. Don't assume that the workplace atmosphere is desired at the company Christmas party. Some corporate offices opt for less formal Christmas parties to give everyone a chance to relax, such as a catered lunch brought into the office. Some industrial workplaces opt for formal Christmas parties to give everyone a chance to dress their best, such as renting a hotel ballroom.

4. Choose an appropriate party theme. Select a theme that encompasses the desired mood of the occasion. Popular company Christmas party themes include "Winter Wonderland" and "12 Days of Christmas." Opt for themes that aren't overly religious to accommodate coworkers with varying beliefs. Base your menu and party d cor on the chosen theme to create a festive atmosphere. Avoid choosing previously used company party themes to invite freshness into the party experience.

5. Shop for decorations and party accessories. Keep your budget in mind as you choose suitable party items. Ask coworkers to donate decorations and supplies to help stay within your budget. Shop at discount stores to further maximize your savings. Ask for discounts for bulk or early ordering. Get catering estimates from popular restaurants. Choose a menu that is affordable and will appeal to many tastes. Provide accommodations for those with special dietary needs like vegetarians or diabetics. Finger foods like sandwiches are a popular menu choice because of the ease at which they can be eaten.

6. Pick a suitable date and location. Call suitable locations for policies regarding rental costs and services. Start early for the best selection and prices and to avoid the heavy competition from other companies hosting their Christmas parties. Pick a date that doesn't interfere with important work deadlines or management reviews. Scheduling the Christmas party after work hours is the best way for employee spouses to participate or during working hours if the party is only for employees (without spouses).

Tags: Christmas parties, Christmas party, company Christmas, Christmas parties give, Company Christmas