Tuesday 23 June 2015

Play Fuzzy Duck Drinking Game

Fuzzy Duck is a drinking game you can play if you don't want to get completely drunk. The result is usually no more than a slight buzz, unless you started the game with a head on. Assign a designated driver and begin playing.


1. Start this drinking game by saying the phrase "fuzzy duck" to the player to the left of you. That person repeats the phrase to the player to the left of them. Play continues to the left.

2. Say "does he?" to change the direction of play. The person to your right will now say "ducky fuzz" to the person on their right. Play continues to the right with the new phrase until someone switches directions again.

3. Take a drink if you mess up and say the wrong phrase, go out of order, or get stumped.

4. Make the game more challenging with this variation: A person cannot say the same phrase in any one round. For instance, if you said "fuzzy duck" and the play comes back around, you have to switch to "does he?"

5. Turn up a TV or radio to make this drinking game even harder. Play Fuzzy Duck in conjunction with other drinking games to keep the party interesting. You also can combine games to create your own.

Tags: drinking game, Fuzzy Duck, Play continues, Play Fuzzy, Play Fuzzy Duck, player left