Friday 19 June 2015

Plan Drinks For A Frat Party

There is an almost limitless range of alcoholic drinks to serve at a frat party. Plan for unruly guests if you intend to have an open bar and take the necessary precautions to protect your guests from harm.


Plan Drinks for a Frat Party

1. Hire help. You can hire professional bartenders or bartenders you've befriended at a nightclub.

2. Be your own bartender. Making drinks doesn't have to be complicated. Try simple formulas like gin and tonics versus more complex drinks like Cosmopolitans.

3. Buy plenty of alcohol. Even if you don't use it all, you'll have plenty left over for another occasion.

4. Consider your guests' needs. Not all college students drink alcohol, so be sure to have virgin or non-alcoholic forms of drinks like pina coladas and margaritas.

5. Pick drinks that complement the occasion. These could include margaritas for Cinco de Mayo, warm liqueur drinks for the holiday season and beer for sports events parties.

6. Include trendy or popular drinks. Mojitos are becoming quite popular, and Cosmopolitans haven't lost their touch yet!

7. Buy fresh ingredients. If a drink calls for mint leaves, sugar cane or something like chocolate, buy ingredients no more than two days prior to the party.

Keep Your Guests Safe

8. Take the initiative. If someone appears to be in danger, call 911 for help.

9. Enforce the legal drinking age. Your fraternity could be fined, suspended or even banned from campus if you are caught serving drinks to minors.

10. Allow guests to spend the night if they need to. It's better to let an intoxicated person sleep over for one night than to allow her to risk her life and the safety of others by driving.

11. Encourage guests to carpool or walk if they live on campus. A designated sober driver can take the wheel while everyone else has fun and walking prevents the risk of car accidents.

12. Arrange safe rides home for your guests. Most college campuses and some cities have safe driver programs where a sober driver picks you up for free and takes you home.

13. Ask for your guests' car keys. If you are planning a frat party that centers around drinking or drinking games, collect keys as your guests enter. Designate one frat brother to be in charge of handing out keys to guests who are okay to drive.

Tags: your guests, Drinks Frat, Drinks Frat Party, drinks like, Frat Party