Tuesday 22 September 2015

Send Home Baked Cookies To Soldiers In Afghanistan

Soldiers in Afghanistan appreciate homemade cookies.

Soldiers in Afghanistan miss their tastes of home. If you are related to or are friends with a soldier, sending home baked cookies is a good way to show them that you care and support them. If the soldier you know has a favorite cookie that you are aware of, your choice is easy. Otherwise, bake popular cookies like chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, snickerdoodle, or peanut butter. Make sure to label any cookies that contain nuts, so that any soldiers with nut allergies know to avoid the package.


1. Make sure you have the name and address of a specific soldier to whom you want to send cookies. If you do not, check with your local U.S. Armed Services Center to see if a cookie rally for troops in Afghanistan is currently being conducted that you can join. Check also with local churches and service organizations to see if a mass cookie mailing is planned.

2. Pack the completely cooled cookies in plastic sandwich bags. Stack about six cookies together, then slide the stack into the sandwich bag and roll the bag tightly around the stack to help prevent breakage in the mail.

3. Load the bags of cookies and a letter to your soldier in the box, along with plenty of styrofoam packing peanuts. Fill any area of the box that does not have cookies with the peanuts, so that when you close the box completely, nothing inside moves when you shake it.

4. Tape the box securely shut with packing tape, making sure to use plenty of tape at the corners of the box. Use a permanent marker to clearly write the name and address of the soldier to whom you are sending cookies, as well as your return address.

5. Ship the cookies via U.S. Priority Mail or Express Mail if you are sending them on your own. Cookies usually contain a lot of sugar and do not go bad quickly, but this will ensure that the cookies get to your soldier in 7 to 10 days, at the latest.

Tags: Soldiers Afghanistan, Make sure, name address, soldier whom, your soldier