Wednesday 2 September 2015

Ideas For "Dora The Explorer" Centerpieces

Where will Dora go today?

Dora the Explorer is a young girl who likes to explore as she gets caught up in adventures with her purple backpack and friends Tito and Boots. Bring her to your child's next party as you add her and her supplies to your decorations and centerpiece. Watch your child's face light up with glee as Dora joins your child and her friends at her next fete.


Make your own piñata or pick up one from the store for your centerpiece. A piñata is a paper mache sculpture, filled with candy and small treats that is normally hung above a child's head. The object is to break the piñata with a stick to get to the treats inside. Choose a piñata of Dora the Explorer or one of her friends, such as Boots, Tico Tico or Swiper. Place the piñata in the center of the table for the festivities and then remove it for the game before the party ends.


Design a balloon display for your centerpiece. Purchase "Dora the Explorer" balloons and include a couple for her friends. If you can find some balloons shaped like binoculars or backpacks, pick them up too. Put a purple backpack, with lots of fasteners, in the middle of the table. Fill it up with the party favors, such as compasses or string bracelets. Tie the balloons to the fasteners at various levels to create an interesting display. Keep the balloons high enough so the children won't play with them, but low enough to be seen.


As Dora likes to explore, pick up an actual globe for the center of the table. Another option is to make your own globe by gluing an old map to round Styrofoam balls or using a beach ball globe and elevating it above the table on a cake plate. Underneath the plate and around the globe, place enough toy binoculars for each child present; these become your party favors at the end of the night. Use the globe for a game about exploring different continents.


Ask each child to bring their "Dora the Explorer" doll with them to the party and group them all in the center of the table for the centerpiece. Rather than bake a princess cake with the doll inside, make a "Dora the Explorer" cake and elevate it in the center on a cake plate. Make a "Dora the Explorer" tree as you stick a tree branch into a purple backpack and decorate it with the party favors, such as beaded string bracelets, small compasses, globe charms and toy binoculars.

Tags: Dora Explorer, center table, party favors, purple backpack, your child, cake plate