A child's fourth birthday is significant.
A child's fourth birthday is very special; it's that golden age when he transitions from toddler to "little kid." In addition, 4 is when children generally move from an all-play day care to preschool or, in some states, pre-kindergarten--initiating at least 14 years of formal education.
Parents, then, will want to make the fourth birthday celebration as special as possible, and the right wording on the party invitation is a great place to start. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Write what you want to say in advance. Use scratch paper and decide what you want to say before you put the information on either hand-written or printer-friendly cards.
2. Include other "famous fours" into the general wording. Consider something like, "There are four seasons, four directions on a map, and Susan is celebrating 4 years of age on (date, time) at (place)."
3. Say it in rhyme. You can always rhyme your four theme with a variation to a classic: "One for a baby, two for the toys, three to get ready, and four for a big boy," for example.
4. Indicate that adult guests can bring wishes. Three wishes are fine, but four are better. Ask grandparents and other relatives to think of four things they wish for the birthday girl. Write them down an save them to show the child when she is older.
Tags: child fourth, child fourth birthday, fourth birthday, what want