Women at a Pleasure Party
A pleasure party is one in which a representative comes to your home, much like the Avon Lady, to sell you her products. In the case of a pleasure party, however, these products are not just simple bits of makeup and cream, but rather products like vibrators, lubricant and sex toys. These parties, usually for women only, are a huge hit with open minded women and can be a fun and funny way to spend an afternoon or evening with your girlfriends as you all learn about new toys and products. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Contact your friends to plan the pleasure party. Choose a host and then come up with a short list of dates that work for everyone in the group.
2. Contact a pleasure party rep. If your group knows someone who hosts pleasure parties, then contact them. Otherwise, look for a group like Scarlet Girl (link in resources section), which can help you plan the perfect party.
3. Choose a date with your rep.
4. Set up a little bit ahead of time and make sure that the guests arrive before the rep so that you can all get down to the business of pleasure when she arrives.
5. Enjoy the party! There should be plenty of snacks, plenty of laughs and hopefully some money exchanged.
Tags: party Choose, pleasure party, Pleasure Party, pleasure party, with your