Wednesday 6 May 2015

Ideas To Create Your Own Fundraiser

A car wash is a simple, but effective, idea for a fundraiser.

There are any number of reasons why one would have the need to set up a fundraiser. Fundraisers are often used by non-profit organizations or linked to school and church activities, for reasons such as to raise funds for a planned group trip or even a charitable donation. Basically, any event-style activity that either encourages donations or offers some sort of service that can generate needed money through sales can be considered a fundraiser.

Seasonal Fair

Hosting a fair as a school fundraiser is one way to bring in money for books and supplies or other goals. Press coverage, fliers, and radio are great ways to reach out and attract people from all over town. Highly visible attractions such as inflatable rentals make great entertainment for kids and even some adults. Most of these can be put together in a matter of hours. Be sure to estimate the number of people you expect to attend, rent accordingly and charge reasonable admission prices for each rental. While carnival-style games can be rented, you can save plenty of money by keeping things simpler and making your own. Some examples of this would be beanbag tosses, Frisbee tosses through hula-hoops, or even a plastic pool to fish for prizes on a prize list. Depending on your budget, you can either hire food vendors to set up and cut them in on a portion of the proceeds, or you can make the food and serve it yourself.

Karaoke Night

A karaoke fundraiser is something a bit more unique that can suit the needs of almost any type of group in need of raising money, from churches to cheerleaders. Karaoke works well either by itself or as an add-on to another fund-raising activity, such as a fair or carnival. You'll need some kind of hall to do this, depending on the size of the crowd. Karaoke machines can be purchased inexpensively, if you plan to do this again, or they can also be rented. Be sure to take into consideration the expected age group of the participants. Younger kids tend to be less likely to take part than high school or college students. You might also consider persuading local businesses to donate prizes for the best or funniest performances. If you choose to record the night's festivities, additional profits can be made by selling the DVD.

Pancake Breakfast

If you can round up several volunteers and a large kitchen, a pancake breakfast fundraiser is actually pretty simple. Other than signs posted around the neighborhood, it helps if you can put together a press release with a human interest story that will draw attention to your goals. Include in detail where the funds will be going and why this is important to the person or group in need. The more outlets, the better. Be sure to include pictures, and remember that you can target television, radio, newspapers and even the Internet and social networking sites. To bump up your profits, you might consider holding a silent auction of donated goods or selling raffle tickets for a prize or prizes. You can also raise a considerable amount of extra cash with a donation bucket next to your cash register. Another excellent idea is to use paper placemats and sell advertising space on them to local businesses.

Car Wash

The car wash is a time-tested, old standby that has been done everywhere. Find a good location near a busy street or intersection, and gather up some volunteers for both the washing itself, as well as for the advertising. Make up several poster-board signs, and station some of your volunteers at different points along the road to point people in the direction of the car wash. Make sure you have water access and a list of supplies ahead of time, such as buckets, towels for both washing and drying, squeegees and hoses. Try to arrange short shifts for your volunteers, due to the fact that they will probably be working out in the sun. Organize your volunteers into teams to streamline your operation. An important consideration is to do this on a day when more people are out and about, such as a Saturday, so you can catch the attention of shoppers. Remember that the more services you can sell, such as vacuuming, waxing, and tire treatments, the more money you will bring in.

Bake Sale

Another simple, but proven, type of fundraiser is the classic bake sale. This is another idea that can be done either by itself or as part of a larger event. At its most basic level, all that's necessary is to get everyone in the group to donate homemade baked goods to sell for a profit on the designated day. But there are also a couple extra things that can be done to add a bit more fun to it. One thing you can do is add a musical cakewalk and give away a cake to whichever person is standing on the winning square when the music stops. You can charge a dollar or so for the cakewalk tickets. A raffle of some sort is another twist you can work into your bake sale, as well as contacting a few local specialty businesses about setting up a booth at your sale, where you could charge them a booth fee. Be sure to make plenty of fliers and signs to promote your bake sale.

Tags: bake sale, your volunteers, both washing, either itself, group need, local businesses