Tuesday 18 November 2014

Ideas For Hair Flower Displays

A single flower in your hair can make a dramatic statement.

Don't forget to dress up your hair for special occasions such as anniversaries and weddings. Flowers can bring a pop of color to your hair while accentuating your hair style. Silk flowers work best for hair arrangements, as they last longer than fresh flowers and can be glued to hair clips. If you prefer fresh flowers, keep them refrigerated as long as possible before displaying them in your hair. Does this Spark an idea?

Over the Ear

Placing a single bloom over one ear can make a strong fashion statement. This simple but elegant technique requires you wear your hair tucked behind your ear; use bobby pins if necessary to hold back the hair. Trim any thorns or sharp edges from your flower stem, then cut the stem to about 3 inches long. Slide it over your ear and secure with bobby pins.

Hair Clip

Make an attractive hair clip using nearly any size barrette. Trim the stems off your silk flowers and dab some hot glue on the back end of the clip. Press the flowers onto the glue and hold for a few seconds until the glue dries. For larger clips, slide florist wire through the base of the blooms and wire the flowers to the clip for additional security.


Make an inexpensive, plastic headband the talk of the party by adding flowers. Wrap it in ribbon first by using hot glue to secure an end of the ribbon to the inside edge of the headband. Wrap the ribbon tightly around the headband, adding periodic drops of hot glue on the inside of the headband. For smaller flowers, use hot glue to attach them to the top of the headband -- there's no need to add flowers low on the headband, as it will likely be covered by your hair and ears. For larger flowers that are wider than the headband, use florist wire instead of glue, if you prefer.

Flower Tiaras

Bend florist wire into a circle and twist the ends to hold the circle securely. The circle should be large enough to fit the top of your head. Cut the flower stems to about 3 inches long and attach them to the wire using green floral tape. Place the flowers close together, overlapping the petals. At the back of the tiara, tie several streamers of ribbon to hide the remaining wire and add a draping element.

Tags: your hair, florist wire, about inches, about inches long, attach them, bobby pins