Friday 27 November 2015

Teach Your German Shepherd Its Name

Training your German shepherd can be such a rewarding experience. When you command respect, your dog will obey. Teaching your German shepherd his name is only the first step in getting him to follow commands and to obey at all times. Follow these steps to teach your German shepherd its name.


1. Bring your German shepherd to an area where she will not be distracted. In the beginning stages of teaching your dog her name, your dog must be able to stay focused at all times to learn her name.

2. Say your German shepherd's name loudly and clearly. When he gives you eye contact, reward him immediately. If the dog is not making direct eye contact immediately, praise him for looking, but don't give the treat.

3. Be patient with your German shepherd. If you become frustrated, she will feel your tension and will be confused. Continue teaching your German shepherd her name until both or one of you becomes tired. Take breaks from the training process but always revisit the command later in the day for reinforcement.

4. Reinforce your German shepherd when he does the right thing. When he looks at your eyes right away, give him a treat. Once your dog starts responding to his name immediately, alternate reinforcement with treats and nice rubs.

5. Bring your German shepherd outside where she can be distracted. Say her name loudly and clearly and demand that she look you in the eyes. Once your German shepherd is consistency looking you in the eye when you say her name, you can be assured she knows it. You can then continue training her with other commands.

Tags: German shepherd, your German shepherd, your German, your German, German shepherd name, your German shepherd