Monday 2 November 2015

Ideas For Senior Activities

Gardening is an excellent way to enjoy the outdoors.

Becoming a senior citizen has some perks. You now qualify for senior discounts. It can also mean you have more time for new interests. Even if you are on a limited budget, there are worthwhile activities to pursue. Keeping physically active and mentally engaged improves the quality of your senior years.

Arts and Crafts

Participate in arts and crafts projects, such as scrapbooking, woodworking, ceramics, painting or photography. Enroll in craft or art classes to advance your skill and meet people with similar interests. Local craft stores often sponsor classes.


Dancing is an excellent source of exercise and a way to meet new people and socialize. This might be ballroom dancing, square dancing, disco or another dance type. Contact the local senior citizen center to locate senior dance activities in your area.


Join a senior exercise group and improve your overall health. This might be yoga, swimming, a walking club or another form of exercise. Check with the local community center or senior center for group exercise options.


Board games are a source of entertainment for seniors in varying states of health, from those who are physically active to immobile seniors. Other game options include local bingo and visits to nearby casinos. However, gambling may not be the best gaming option for all seniors.


Gardening gets you outside in the fresh air and provides physical exercise, while engaging in a rewarding pursuit. For the senior who no longer has access to a garden, consider a container garden.

Hobby Club

Pursue your special interests by joining a hobby club to meet people with similar passions. This might be a genealogy club, quilting guild, photography club or other type of hobby club.

Non-Credit Classes

You are never too old to learn something new. Contact your local community college and ask about non-credit courses. Community colleges often have non-credit courses to help those in the community learn more about computers, writing, photography, history and other fields.

Social Club

Join a social club or fraternity, such as the Elks or Moose. An existing member will typically need to sponsor you. These organizations have lodge houses, often with cocktail lounges, dance clubs and activities. They also raise money for the community or special charity projects.


Retired seniors now have time to travel and see more of the world. If your budget or physical condition limits your traveling options, contact the local senior center for information on day trips offered for seniors to visit nearby places of interest.

Volunteer Work

Volunteer your time to a local charity or nonprofit organization. This might be reading for youngsters at the local library, volunteering at the hospital, being a docent at the museum or giving your time for another organization.

Write Memoirs

Most seniors have a story to tell. Take time to document yours to pass down to your children or grandchildren. Instead of writing, use a tape recorder to record your oral history.

Tags: This might, meet people, hobby club, local community, local senior