Wednesday 18 November 2015

Make Covered Hula Hoops

Hula hoops are a great way to get in shape without realizing you're exercising. They're also just plain fun to try, and kids love them. The bigger the hoop, the easier it is to get going and keep going. If you like a little extra traction, you can cover your homemade hoop with foam. Using a foam-covered hoop can make it gentler on your body when first hooping. Once you make your own hula hoops, you can decorate them however you please. Making a covered hula hoop is easy. First you have to make the basic hula hoop, then you get to the fun part of covering it with your own designs, using tape and foam for extra comfort.


1. Decide how big a covered hula hoop you'd like to make and cut the tubing to that length. If you don't have a saw at home, you will want to have the hardware store cut the tubing for you.

2. Before starting, hold one end of the tubing under a hair dryer for a few minutes to make it pliable. If you don't have a hair dryer, you can also use hot water, soaking the tubing end in the water for 2 minutes.

3. Place the heated end of the tubing over the pipe coupling until it reaches the center line. Place the other end of the tube under the hair dryer. As it warms up, stick your beads into the coupling end of the tubing.

4. Once heated, slip the second end of the tubing onto the coupling. Both sides should meet in the middle of the coupling.

Wrap several layers of electrical tape around the coupling to ensure a seal. Now comes the fun part.

5. Take your foam pipe insulation and remove the paper backing in order to expose the sticky adhesive backing as you go. Begin wrapping your hoop with the foam, either completely covering the hoop with no space between wrappings, or leaving a small gap between each wrap around the hoop. Once finished, you can leave the foam as the final touch, or add colored electrical tape or cloth tape on top of the foam for decoration and endurance.

Tags: hair dryer, hoop with, hula hoop, covered hula, covered hula hoop