Tuesday 27 October 2015

Make Palm Fronds

Palm fronds are beautiful decorative arrangements that can be made into elaborate arrangements you can place in churches around Easter. You also can use them to prepare religious decorations in your own home. Make palm fronds out of different types of palms, such as Queen, yellow or cane palms. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place the palm with the underside facing upwards and the stem pointing toward you.

2. Do a three-plait. Take the top 3 strands, move the left strand toward the middle one and then take the right-side strand into the middle.

3. Pick up a new strand on the left, move it into the middle. Continue with a new right strand, then a left one and continue in this fashion.

4. Repeat this plaiting process all the way down until you run out of strands.

5. Tie the remaining strands together and bind them with floral wire.

6. Dry the plaited palm. Lay the drying frond flat or in any shape you choose. There are a variety of designs for palm fronds. For example, you can find instructions for palm frond art at Hackingfamily.com (see Resources below). Go to Floral Art Mall to see a finished palm frond arrangement (see Resources below).

Tags: into middle, palm frond, palm fronds, Resources below