Wednesday 29 April 2015

Make Patterns For Wooden Yard Decorations

Make a wooden scarecrow to embellish your yard.

Just as you can use sewing patterns to help cut out material, you can make your own patterns to serve as guides to create colorful outdoor wooden yard decorations. Making your own patterns saves money and also allows you to customize whatever decorations you want to use to embellish your yard. Whether you choose to make holiday decor, pink flamingos, kittens or ducks, your imagination is the limit when you can design your own patterns.


1. Search for a picture of the yard decoration you want to create. Enlarge it on your computer and print it out. Buy enough poster board to cover the desired size.

2. Trace or draw the design on the poster board with a pencil. Erase any mistakes until you get exactly the yard decoration you envision. Outline the outside of the pattern with a marker. Cut around the pattern along the marker lines.

3. Place the poster board pattern over a suitable size piece of plywood or cedar. Use a saw to cut the wood evenly around the pattern. Sand the edges if necessary.

4. Glue on any extra pieces of wood if you made a pattern that needs attachments such as wings or ears.

5. Draw details such as eyes or a nose on the wood with a pencil or marker. Paint your base color and allow it to dry. Paint the details in different color paint, allowing each section to dry before using a new color.

6. Drill a hole in the wood at the bottom of the yard decoration. Plug a 12-inch-long dowel or steel rod into the hole. You will dig the rod into the ground to hold up the decoration.

Tags: poster board, yard decoration, your patterns, around pattern, embellish your, embellish your yard