Thursday 30 April 2015

Retire An American Flag

An old flag has to be retired in a dignified manner.

The United States has a code of conduct for the flag that dictates when and where it can be flown. For example, the nation's flag must always be the highest flag on a flagpole. The rules extend into what to do with a flag that has been damaged or is just getting old. Throwing the flag in the trash is not acceptable.


1. Never fly a damaged or torn flag. Section 8k of the Flag Code states, "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning." However, most flags are made of nylon or other materials that could be dangerous to burn. The burning should be done by a group trained in the procedure.

2. Contact an organization that can perform a flag retirement ceremony. Some of those groups include Scout troops, VFW chapters and an American Legion Post. Some of these groups will collect flags and perform the ceremony on Flag Day (June 14).

3. If you do hold a ceremony at home, the proper steps are explained at Raise the flag on the pole or hold it aloft by hand first. The entire group must salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Alliance. Appoint a leader to speak. Fold the flag, then give it to the leader. The leader must watch over the burning until the flag is consumed.

Tags: flag that