Friday 14 August 2015

Ideas For Hawaiian Games

Hawaiian games go great with a party, luau, Hawaiian-themed banquet or pig roast. They are entertaining, and some can help your guests get to know each other. If you are holding a Hawaiian event, pick a few Hawaiian games to make it more fun for everyone.

Aloha Game

This game will help introduce new guests. Everyone stands in two lines facing each other just a few feet apart. Start playing some Hawaiian music in the background, then say "Aloha" along with someone's name to begin the game. After you say it, perform a short dance movement with a Hawaiian theme by waving your arms, etc. The person to your left does the same, saying another name, and the game continues this way down the line until you reach the name of the first person you chose. This person then chooses someone else's name.

Hawaiian Knot Making

One other fun Hawaiian game is played with groups of six to 10 people. Everyone stands in a close circle and puts their hands into the middle. After everyone closes their eyes, start playing Hawaiian music and then tell everyone to grab someone's hand. After each person is holding hands with someone, the music stops. Then you tell everyone to untangle the knot created, without letting go. Start the music again and start having fun.


The ultimate Hawaiian game is the limbo. To start this game, all you need is two helpers and a limbo stick. You can use a simple broom stick, hockey stick or any other long pole. First set the stick about shoulder high, and then line up your guests. Start playing some music and let each person try to get under the limbo stick. Lower it each time, and when someone doesn't get through, pull them out of the line and place them in the cheering section. The game ends when one person limbos under the stick when no one else can.

Tags: each other, each person, Everyone stands, Hawaiian game, Hawaiian games, Hawaiian music, limbo stick