Wednesday 8 July 2015

Start A Christmas Eve Tradition

The Christmas season is a time for family and friends. However, too often people are so rushed and frenzied with last minute shopping that they lose site of the real purpose of Christmas. Take a break from shopping and social rounds to reconnect with your family by starting your own Christmas tradition as simple or elaborate as you like. The important thing is that everyone enjoys it. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Sit down as a family a month or two before the holiday season. Let everyone discuss what they would like to do together to celebrate Christmas.

2. Decide how much time you can dedicate to establishing a new tradition. Can you find a whole weekend, a day, or an afternoon that everyone's schedule lets them be together?

3. Consider your budget before setting your heart on any particular activity. Planning a Christmas movie marathon at home is far more economical that a weekend ski trip to the mountains.

4. Begin any traditions simply. For example, if you would like to throw an annual Christmas party for family and friends, start by inviting a few guests or make it a potluck. The idea is to start a tradition you enjoy, not make more work (and stress) for yourself and your family.

Tags: family friends, that everyone, would like, your family