Friday 10 July 2015

Talk Like A Pirate

Talk Like a Pirate

Ye all know 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day' is September 19. Ye may have the patch over yer eye and a parrot on yer shoulder, but be ye no real pirate if ye can't talk the talk. And be ye forewarned: land-lubbing imposters will be made to walk the plank, so ye best get practicin'. Yargh!


1. Throw in a generous helping of "matey" and "arr!" Even if that's all the pirate speak you know, this will go a long way towards making you sound authentic.

2. Replace "you" with "ye" and "your" with "yer." Use "me" to mean "my."

3. Start verbs with "be" and use the -ing form of the verb so that ye be soundin' like the real thing. These substitutions work for the past, present and future: "We be plunderin'" could mean we plundered yesterday, we are currently plundering now, or we are going to plunder tomorrow.

4. Omit the -g on word endings. A true pirate would never say "fighting," "going," or "pillaging."

5. Drop the -th on "with": Ye be comin' wi' me, matey?

6. Say "aye" to mean "yes" and "nay" for "no." And true pirates don't ask - they tell. No self-respecting pirate would be caught dead saying things like, "Yes, I'd like another spot of tea, please." It's "Aye, gimme the tea, matey!"

7. Describe everything using profuse and grandiose adjectives. Nothing is ever "good" or "big"; it's "right grand" or "considerable vast."

Tags: Like Pirate, Talk Like, Talk Like Pirate, pirate would