Monday 13 July 2015

Plan A Super Graduation Party

Graduation is a time to celebrate!

Many things go into planning a graduation party, whether the graduate has recently conquered kindergarten, high school or college. By taking the time to organize the party details beforehand, putting the party together will not be nearly as intimidating or complex as it sounds. While you're planning the party and trying to choose a theme, remember that guests at a graduation party are looking to relax and let loose more than anything else. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Decide on a time and place for the party to happen. If you want a lot of guests to show up and stick around, it may be best to avoid having the party on the actual graduation day because there will be many other parties going on at the same time.

2. Create or order graduation-themed invitations that include the time, place, name of the guest of honor and RSVP details. Invitations that look like little rolled-up diplomas work great if you are able to pass them out in person. If you want to mail the invitations, create a small "test" that contains information about the party in multiple-choice form.

3. Buy, make or order plenty of decorations to spruce up the party area. Balloons and streamers are very standard for graduation parties--you can even order them specially with the name of the graduate and the school on them, as well as the year of graduation. You can also make your own decorations, such as using graduation hats as candy bowls or personalized hand-painted "Congratulations!" posters. Graduation-themed confetti is also available in party stores or online and can be sprinkled over tables and counters.

4. Create a "Card Box" since graduation gifts are typically in the form of money. Use gift wrap to cover a box and cut a rectangular slit at the top for the cards to be put in the box. Tape balloons to each side of the box.

5. Plan your menu and create as much of the food beforehand as you can. Aside from the traditional fruit/vegetable trays and chips and dip, try to incorporate some simple but fancier appetizer-type snacks like teriyaki chicken skewers, barbecue meatballs in a crock pot or homemade pigs in blankets. Keep napkins that match your balloons and streamers on the table, as well as toothpicks and matching paper plates. Keep beverages in a designated cooler or in large glass pitchers. Decorate the table with plastic graduation favors, available in party stores or online.

6. Order or bake a personalized cake that has the name of the graduate, the year, and "Congratulations" on the top of it. Have other dessert options on hand as well, such as various cupcakes or chocolate-covered strawberries.

Tags: available party, available party stores, graduation party, name graduate, party stores